Cybersecurity is an increasingly relevant issue, as users are more connected than ever through different devices and platforms. As a result, there is a greater likelihood that the data and personal information of a user and/or entity will be compromised. As a clear example, we can present the cyber-attack suffered last March at the Hospital Clinic in Barcelona.
For all these reasons, Basque Health Cluster, in collaboration with Cybasque, an association whose mission is to foster cybersecurity, promoting collaboration with other sectors and fostering the development of new products/services, technologies and markets, proposes to carry out actions and projects that may be of interest to our associates and benefit the cybersecurity of the sector, and the protection and management of data.
As part of these actions, we invite you to the workshop within the framework of the BeDIGITAL event that we are organising as the next step in this collaboration, which will take place on 7 June at 11.30 a.m., in the speak corner of the BEC.