SAFE-N-MEDTECH – Safety testing in the life cycle of nanotechnology-enabled medical technologies for health – is an international project focused on enabling the safe translation of nano-enabled medical technologies form Proof of Concept to markets and clinical practice. It is a H2020 funded project (Grant Agreement No. 814607) of the European Union. Among the 28 partners, we have the honorary member of the cluster, the Berrikuntza + Ikerketa + Osasuna Eusko Fundazioa (Basque Foundation for Health Innovation and Research -BIOEF) and Keralty, who co-lead this project.
An Open Call has been launched wiht the objective of providing services and support to companies and other organizations with the aim of accelerating the development and commercialziation of innovative MedTech solutions based on nano-enabled technology.
The project organisation has distributed relevant information for the Open Call. We have the guidelines published (guidelines), and an information webinar was held at the beginning of the month, which you can watch on a recorded version (webinar). Finally, a website has been set up for which more information on this call has been published (more info).
In order to get additional support during the preparation of the proposal, such as further clarificationon the type of support, feedback on certain aspects of a proposal, applicants are stronglyencouraged to contact the SAFE-N-MEDTECH Open Call Communication Department at
The deadline of this “Open Call” is March 21st at 23:59 CET.
Proposals for the SAFE-N-MEDTECH Open Call are submitted in a single stage through the platform. Applicants will be required to complete the form directly in the platform. Each applicant will be able to send one proposal.
Applicants will be informed about the outcome of their application by the end of May 2022.Activities are planned to start in June 2022, depending on the signature of the necessarycontracts.
About Keralty:
The Keralty organisation is made up of a worldwide group of insurance and health services companies that together have developed a holistic health model, the purpose of which is to deliver health and well-being to people throughout their lives. The organisation is committed to keeping its users healthy and self-sufficient, focusing on preventing, identifying and managing health risks, and controlling and caring for illness and dependency. Keralty Health, as part of the organisation, is responsible for managing the network of hospitals and level three and level four medical centres.
For the organisation, research is an essential part of creating high-level (know-how). The R&D Unit is made up of Biokeralty AIE in Alava, in the Basque Country, and the Unisanitas University, which interacts with the company’s hospitals and clinical centres to support more than fifteen research groups in different medical, surgical, nursing and psychology specialities.