The startup from Gipuzkoa, Cyber Surgery, creator of a robotic assistant to guide the surgeon in spinal operations, has completed its last preclinical trials on cadavers. This is the last step necessary to obtain the approval of the Spanish Agency of Medicines and Health Products (AEMPS) to carry out these trials on real patients.
The Spanish Agency of Medicines and Medical Devices (AEMPS), attached to the Ministry of Health, is responsible for guaranteeing the safety, efficacy and correct information on medicines and medical devices, from their research to their use.
The technology developed by Cyber Surgery allows minimally invasive operations to be performed using the medical image of a CT scan and real-time monitoring of the patient’s position. The system improves the precision of this type of operation, optimizes the surgical procedure by removing the cameras and reduces the time and cost of surgery.
A great step forward in technology applied to medicine that was born from an R&D project between Egile Corporation XXI, the Ceit research center and the University Clinic of Navarra, in 2013. It was joined by collaborators such as the Vicomtech research center and the Biodonostia and BioCruces medical research centers, which have always supported the company.
In fact, these latest preclinical tests have been carried out at the BioDonostia Health Research Institute and with the collaboration of BIOEF. And the tests with the Cyber Surgery robot have been carried out by Dr. Nicolás Samprón, Osakidetza Neurosurgeon and researcher at the Biodonostia Health Research Institute and also by Dr. Iñigo Pomposo, Osakidetza Neurosurgeon and researcher at the BioCruces Health Research Institute.
Cyber Surgery has evolved a lot since it was incorporated as a company in 2017, when the first two international patents were created and performing the first cadaver tests to form Cyber Surgery in November 2017. They now have a team of over 25 people and great support from doctors and healthcare institutions. In the team they have PhDs and senior engineers in different disciplines. From mechanics, software, robotics, telecommunications and bioengineering, among others.
In the words of Jorge Presa, CEO of Cyber Surgery “The completion of these preclinical trials represent one of the main milestones of the company, since it was incorporated in 2017. We are getting closer and closer to being able to launch our technology to the market. In just four years we have gone from what was a prototype and proof of concept to a real product. Which means a path of hard work and effort that we are gradually seeing rewarded,” he says.